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Sports Process Manager, Promotes the Joy of Sports

In the board blog series, board members talk about their experiences on the HAMKO board and what their processes have included.In the last part of the blog series, the vice-chair of the 2023 board, Meeri, talks about the area of responsibility for Sports

At HAMKO, one board member is responsible for sports. The sports manager cooperates with HAMK’s student wellbeing team and participates in OLL’s meetings and trainings.

Student physical activity is promoted starting at the local level

OLL, i.e. the Finnish Student Sports Federation , promotes the well-being of students through physical activity. OLL does national influence work to promote sports conditions for students and colleges. They are e.g. contributed to the fact that the expansion of the Liikkuva korkeakoulu program to universities has been included in the Finnish government program.

HAMKO is a member organization of OLL, so we get to participate in influencing the lines of the OLL in their general assembly.

OLL has a lot of interesting trainings and information to share. They also organize, among other things, Finnish student championships (OSM) in various sports. Would there be some Championship competitions in HAMK area next year?

Sports can be fun, Meeri reminds.

Sporty cooperation in HAMK

The responsibility for communicating various sports events is shared with the sports coordiantor of HAMK’s student wellbeing team, and the highlight of the year for the sports manager is the Sports and Culture appro, which is organised in cooperation with H4. H4 is a collaborative group, which consists of Wellbeing tutors, HÄTÄ ry and HIOP ry in addition to HAMKO.

There are also a lot of opportunities here to develop the role of the person in charge of physical activity to be bigger and more visible. Students often wish for low-threshold sports services, and e.g. various sports events and experiments are desired. In the sports process, you can cooperate with the different areas of responsibility of the student union board, such as events and communication. This year, for example, a new sports event HALI was created (you can read more about this in the event blog).

Sports as an area of responsibility is good and small, so it is suitable for someone who takes more time. The board divides the areas of responsibility among themselves, so this can be influenced by which process the area of responsibility for sports is with.

“If the role interests you, you don’t have to have any sports background or anything else. Sports is for everyone, so anyone can promote it 😊”, Meeri cheers.

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