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HAMKO’s service point and offices are located in Hämeenlinna University Centre. You’ll find us from the first floor of C-building, rooms C135-138. Service point is located in room C-138.

Street address:
Vankanlähde 9, 13100 Hämeenlinna

Mailing address:
Opiskelijakunta HAMKO
PL 230
13101 Hämeenlinna

+358 44 722 1010

N.B! Office phone and WhatsApp are not available during summer time. Between June 24 and July 31st we kindly ask you to contact us primarily by email.

Please note when sending a WhatsApp or text message to put your name on the message if the issue is related to your membership, so we find your membership info.


During the summer, email is not monitored daily, it is worth noting that there may be a delay in replying to emails.

Opening hours:
Our member service point is on summer break and will open again on August 19, 2024.

Between August 1st and 19 we serve by appointment. Therefore, if you need service at our member service point on site, please contact us in advance.

You find all HAMKO’s actors and staff members contact info from here.

Exceptions on opening hours will be informed also on on Viva Engage, Facebook and Instagram.

Become a member!

Hey HAMK student, join your own Student Union! HAMKO promotes your interests and as a sign of your membership you’ll get an official student card with thousands of student benefits all over Finland.

Become a member Renew membership