Responsible tutors are experienced tutors who have been tutoring for one year already. Responsible tutor is active to improve their own skills. They also want to improve student guidance in their own degree program and in HAMK. Responsible tutor supports and guides other tutors in their own study program together with student couselor.
Responsible tutors make sure that information runs smoothly between different people and every tutor knows where to be and what do. Responsible tutor arranges regular meetings with other tutors in their own degree program with the help of student counselor.
As an responsible tutor, you will learn more about group management, performance skills and get a chance to innovate and develop new. You will be working closely with the tutors, the Student Union, student counselor and other staff members from HAMK.
Responsible tutors task is for one year and selections will be made each year around April or May. Multiple responsible tutors can be chosen to each degree program. Selections of responsible tutors is carried out by student counselors. Student Union organizes additional training to responsible tutors so you don’t start from scratch. In the training, you will get more information about the tasks and responsibilities of responsible tutor and also tools and methods to support your tutoring.
Study description:
YH00BM94 Responsible tutoring, 3 credits
Students will use their previous experiences and knowledge of tutoring to improve and develop tutoring and student guidance in their own degree programme and in the whole higher education institution. Students will work as responsible tutors in their own degree programme and/or study campus or improve their knowledge by working as an international tutor for incoming exchange students.
Responsible tutors know how to organise and coordinate tutoring activities in their own degree programme and/or between different degree programmes at their own study campus. Responsible tutors will work as a link between active tutors and staff members of the higher education institution. Responsible tutors work as peer-to-peer leaders for tutors performing their first year as tutors, and guide and support them in cooperation with study counsellors.