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Become a Light Entrepreneur at HAMK Talents

HAMK Talents has a new feature, Light Entrepreneurship.

You can now start as a light entrepreneur on the HAMK Talents service platform with your own job seeker profile. All you have to do is fill in the information about what kind of services or products you offer, what is your hourly rate and possible access to the tools you need. As a light entrepreneur, you are not employed by a service buyer, but you conduct them an assignment.

Tiitus, the service provider of the HAMK Talents platform, takes care of invoicing, taxes, employment and pension contributions and other side expenses. So your only responsibility is to do the work and send an invoice.

How do I implement the Light Entrepreneurship function in HAMK Talents?

  1. Open your Tiitus profile.
  2. Click on the “Light Entrepreneurship” section.
  3. In order to enter your light entrepreneurship information, you need to turn it on.
    Click on the tab that turns on the Light Entrepreneurship section.
  4. The Light Entrepreneur section is now turned on.

Now you can enter information about yourself as a light entrepreneur that employers can see when they are looking for a suitable light entrepreneur for their assignments. These are worth entering well so you can be found in light entrepreneur search!

Enter the following information:

  • Hourly rate (state your own hourly rate including VAT)
  • Brief introduction
  • Experience
  • Tools (if you have tools of your own)
  • Key work tasks
  • Titus profile (select the key skill, skills or a title you want to highlight)
  • What is your availability

Finally, click “Save” which will save the entered data. Please do notice, when you receive or apply for light entrepreneurship assignments, you must have a billing service at your disposal to bill for the work done.
You can use for example the billing service of Tiitus.

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