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Silent Moment for the Student Livelihoods demonstration

Welcome to the Silent Moment for Student Livelihoods demonstration to protest for student livelihoods at main lobby of your campus from 12:00 to 14:00.

National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK and its member student unions invite all students as a united group to express their concern about the cuts to student income decided by the Finnish government in the budget debate. In response to this common concern, silent demonstrations will be held on Tuesday 26 September from 12:00 (noon) to 14:00 on the campuses of universities of applied sciences across Finland.

We encourage students to gather in the lobbies and you can come along for the whole duration or stop by for a while. For the demonstration, you can also craft a prop that shows how the cuts affect students’ everyday lives. Students are expected to express their opinions peacefully and independently in the campus lobbies, all campuses does not have a separate leader.

Please share pictures on a social media, and tag @SAMOK_FIN and @opiskelijakunta_hamko.

📣What? A silent demonstration against cuts in students’ livelihoods
📍Where? The main lobby of your own or the HAMK campus closest to you
📆When? Tue 26.9. From 12:00 (noon) to 14:00

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