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Event calendar

Events of HAMKO and student organizations in HAMK you find from Instagram Häme Häppenings.


HAMKOs Alkupamaus

12.09.2024, Hämeenlinna

What? An event organised by HAMKO to celebrate the start of the academic year.

When and where? Hämeenlinna center, Thu 12.9.2024.

To who? For all students and student-minded people.

The theme is Las Vegas – Where dreams come true and fortune awaits!  

In the event, you get to experience a functional task tour in the center of Hämeenlinna and the glory of the evening is an after-party in a nightclub.  

More info coming up in August.


HALI – Hamsu Moves


Sporty feel-good event. More info coming in autumn.


Café Appro 2024

20.11.2024 – 24.11.2024, Forssa, Hämeenlinna, Tammela, Riihimäki, Valkeakoski

In the middle of dark November, you can tour the atmospheric cafés at HAMKO’s Café Appro. Mark the dates on your calendar now!

Become a member!

Hey HAMK student, join your own Student Union! HAMKO promotes your interests and as a sign of your membership you’ll get an official student card with thousands of student benefits all over Finland.

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