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Council of Representatives 2021 election announcement

Standing for election in the Student Union of HAMK’s Council of Representatives election begins on Monday 14.9.2020 at 9:00 and ends on Monday 12.10.2020 at 12.00.

Council of Representatives is the highest decision-making body in the Student Union. The Council of Representatives is in charge of defining policies and it confirms, for example, the plan of work and the budget for the Student Union.

In the Council of Representatives election, the 21 members of the Council are chosen for the term 2021. All members of the Student Union who have fulfilled their obligation to the Student Union and are registered as present for the academic year 2020–2021 may stand for election.

The standing for election is done by an electronic form. The link to the form will be published as the standing for election begins.

Candidates may form electoral coalitions, which is done by filling an electronic form. An electoral coalition is a group of more than one candidate and the votes given to the coalition will be counted in favor of its members. One of the members of the electoral coalition must be authorized to work as the advocate for the coalition. Candidates who are selected to the Council of representatives through electoral coalition form their own representative group. The name of the coalition must be written in the coalition charter. The name of the coalition must not offend anyone’s personal rights and it cannot be a commercial/brand name or offensive in any other way. A candidate can stand for election in only one coalition.

The Council of Representatives election is electronic, and the voting link will be sent to all members.

The electoral officials will be named on 19.10.2020.

The list of those eligible to vote will be checked on 26.10.2020. All students, who have fulfilled their obligation to the Student Union by that time, are eligible to vote in the Council of Representatives election.

Voting will begin on Monday 2.11.2020 at 9:00 and end on Monday 4.11.2020 at 16:00.

Election results will be announced no later than 5.11.2020.

The voting link for the electronic voting system will be sent to the Student Union members’ HAMK email address ( in the beginning of the election.

More information:

Chairman of the Central Electoral Committee, Sakari Vitikka, 0447221001

Executive Director, Aleksi Kurvi, 0447221000

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