Students of University of Applied Sciences have access to the services of Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS).
All university students who are completing a degree and have enrolled as present will receive primary health care services through the FSHS. The services therefore also cover, for example, part-time students and Master’s degree students.
FSHS’s services have only been available to university students and have excluded university of applied sciences students, so the equality between students will be significantly improved. Expanding FSHS’s services to university of applied sciences students has been a common, long-term goal of the student movement.
We have compiled useful links to this page where you can find information about FSHS and its services.
What services?
FSHS provides university students with basic health care services, such as periodic health check-ups, preventive measures for oral health, as well as assessment of the need for care and non-urgent medical care.
You can see a more detailed list of FSHS services on the FSHS website.
On FSHS’s website, you can find a listing where you can find information about which location has FSHS’s own and which location has a partner’s service unit.
NOTE! If necessary, you can go at any of FSHS’s own service units. Only students in the locality can use at the service points of the cooperation partners.
Please note that FSHS invests a lot in remote services, meaning you don’t always have to travel to a local service unit to get treatment.
In Hämeenlinna, YTHS has its own service unit, where you can get general and mental health services as well as oral health services.
- Evo students use the service point in Hämeenlinna. The address is Koulukatu 25.
- In Forssa, the services are provided by Mehiläinen, the address is Rajakatu 2.
- In Hämeenlinna, FSHS has its own service point at Koulukatu 25 (3rd floor).
- Lepaa students use the service point in Hämeenlinna.
- Services for Mustiala students are provided by Mehiläinen, address is Rajakatu 2.
- In Riihimäki, students use FSHS’s own service point in Hämeenlinna.
- Students at Valkeakoski use the services of the FsHS point in Tampere.
Tampere service units are located at the following addresses:
General and mental health services: FSHS Tampere / Tulli
Pakkahuoneenaukio 2, 33100 Tampere
Entrance from Tullikatu (Staircase A)
Oral health services:FSHS Tampere / Hervanta
Korkeakoulunkatu 6, 33720 Tampere
Do you live far from your own HAMK campus?
Your primary FSHS service unit is the one in your study town. If necessary, you will be permitted to book an appointment to a service unit which is run by the FSHS at another town.
If there is no FSHS service unit in the area where your educational institution is located, the required services are produced by a partner branch. The usage volume of partner service units are calculated by the amount of higher education students located in the area the branch operates in. This is why only students who study at a location with a partner service unit can use that unit.
In addition, our digital services are available to all students, regardless of where in Finland they are. Many FSHS professionals offer remote appointments, which reduces the need to travel.
To whom?
All university students who are present and completing a degree receive primary health care services through the FSHS. The services therefore also cover, for example, part-time students and master students.
Exchange students, Study Path students, students of the Professional Teacher Education and students of open UAS are not eligible for the services.

How do I book an appointment?
Before you can be referred to any FSHS service or partner service unit, your need for treatment will be assessed by the FSHS. You can contact the FSHS using the service forms provided in the Self online service, in SelfChat or by phone to have your need for treatment assessed.
Call the phone service and wait to be called back
Call the nationwide service numbers, which are open Mon–Thu 8 am–3 pm and Fri 8 am–2 pm.
- General and mental health services, tel. +358 46 710 1073
- Oral health services, tel. +358 46 710 1085
What does it cost? When to pay?
The healthcare fee must be paid by all students who are entitled to use FSHS services. The health care fee is paid to Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland). The amount of the student fee in 2024 is € 36.80 per academic year, or € 73.60 per year.
The healthcare fee is paid to Kela every semester, i.e. twice a year. Kela will not send you an invoice, but you will have to take care of the health care payment on your own initiative. You can read more about how to pay the student healthcare fee in higher education on Kela’s website.
See also: FAQ about the healthcare fee in higher education.
Healthcare for students in higher education is financed mainly by the state (77 %), while the remaining 23 % is paid for by students.
There are no separate appointment fees, but a visit fee is charged for uncancelled appointments.
If you have social security coverage from another EU/EEA country or from Switzerland, Northern Ireland or the United Kingdom, read this info carefully.
Reschedule or cancel your appointment well in advance
If you can’t make it to your appointment, remember to reschedule or cancel it well in advance. Appointments should be cancelled or rescheduled at least 24 hours before the time of the appointment.
If you miss your appointment or cancel it too late without an acceptable reason, you’ll be charged a fee for the unattended appointment. The fee for unattended appointments concerns all appointments and examinations both FSHS´s own service units and partner service units. This also applies for example to remote appointments, laboratory visits and vaccination visits.
Please note that you must come to a booked appointment, even if you do not receive a separate reminder message beforehand.
Questions about FSHS?
The FSHS website has its own section for frequently asked questions. We recommend a visit! If there is no answer to the issue that concerns you, you can send your own question directly to FSHS via the page.