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Join the fun at Hämeenlinna Appro 2025!

Have you been waiting for spring to arrive? A sure sign of spring, that is Hämeenlinna Appro will be held this year on Thursday, March 20, 2025! 🦉✨

Put on your overalls, grab your best party friends with you and dive into the awesomeness of Appro in Hämeenlinna – you don’t want to miss this evening! 🎉🔥 

The concept of the event is simple and likely familiar to many, but let’s go over it one more time: 

  1. The participant buys a ticket for the event and receives an appro pass. 
  2. The participant visits various venues, enjoys their offerings, and collects stamps on the pass. 
  3. The participant returns the completed pass and earns their degree. 
  4. The participant heads to the afterparty they purchased a ticket for. 

Hämeenlinna’s Appro is on Thursday, March 20, 2025.  

The starting and ending point of the Appro round is at the Market Square of Hämeenlinna. You can collect stamps for your Appropass from 4 PM to 9 PM. 🕖  

The after-party starts at 10 PM. 💃 


The price of Appro round with afterparty is €19 and it includes appropass, overall badge and the entyr to the afterparty. (Includes a cloakroom) 

The price of the Appro round is €9 and it includes an appropass and an overall badge. 

You can buy a maximum of 5 tickets per buyer. 

The appro ticket must be exchanged at the departure point at the market square. Appropasses must be picked up no later than 7 PM. and after-party wristbands no later than 9.30 PM. 

Get your tickets from

Purchased tickets are not exchangeable or refundable. 


The ticket to Painobussi bus transportation is € 5,50. 

The ticket includes a round-trip ride from Hämeenlinna Market Square to Painohalli and back to the Market Square. Painobussi bus operates from 21:30 to 23:45, running from the Market Square to Painohalli. 

Return trips start around 02:00 after the gig. The bus will keep running as long as there are passengers, so you can enjoy the afterparty without worries! 


At Hämeenlinnan Appro you can accomplish following degrees: 


The degrees must be completed in order. The first time you participate, you must, therefore, take the HÄMÄLÄINE degree; the second time, the HIDAS HÄMÄLÄINE, and so on. 

Start the tour at the time indicated on your appro pass. Please note that stamps can only be obtained from checkpoints until 9 PM! 

Passes must be returned to the goal point until 9:30 pm. In exchange for your Appropass, you will receive an overall badge that refers to the degree you accomplished. Previously completed degrees must be proven with the overall badge attached to the overalls when returning the appro passport. 

Afterparties and Artists

Painohalli –  ARES, Maelo & KANE  
Hohto – DJ SAMPL 

Safety and Additional Info

The event is completely harassment-free. If you experience any kind of harassment or inappropriate behavior at the event, please contact  by phone (the number will be updated) between 4:00-10:00 pm. 

The event is offered to you by: 

Hämeenlinna BBA students’ HÄTÄ ry 
Hämeenlinna’s Engineering Students HIOP ry 
The Student Union of Häme University of Applied Sciences 

Questions? Send a message: 

P.S. Follow the event on social media!

Facebook: Hämeenlinnan Appro 
Instagram @hameenlinnanappro 

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