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Overalls Day at December 7

Overalls are a student’s credit garment in many situations. A lot of memories are also collected in the overalls during the studies, e.g. with funny overall patches. Overalls are usually in use at events, but overalls deserve more use.

HAMKO organizes the Overalls Day on December 7, when we wear the overalls during the school day!

So wear your overalls with us to school on Overalls Day. Overalls Day is celebrated on all campuses. Campuses have a limited set of Overalls Day overalls patches. Patches are distributed in Hämeenlinna by HAMKO and on other campuses, you can ask for patches from your local association. You can find the associations on this page.

Share a picture of your overalls or your best patches on Instagram and tag HAMKO @opiskelijakunta_hamko, the best pictures are shared. Three fun pictures will be rewarded with an overall patch.

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