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HAMKO is looking for Board for the term 2024

We are looking for people who could bring a new perspective and energy to the activities of the student union. The board year is often described as the most significant of one’s studies, and now is your chance to apply. The application for the board of the student union for 2024 is now open.

The main Tasks of the Board

The board is responsible for the operational activities of the student union and for making the action plan into practical measures. It consists of a chair, a vice-chair and at least three (3) and at most eight (8) members. The task of the board is to represent the student union locally and nationally, to inform students, members, and other stakeholders about relevant issues.

The board is also responsible for planning and implementing the activities of the student union in accordance with the decisions of the representative council. This includes e.g. active advocacy for HAMK students, participation in various HAMK working groups, planning and organizing HAMKO events, ordering and selling student union overalls, and communication, such as content production for social media channels.

The Board’s Responsibility Processes

The board handles various operational responsibility processes, such as member benefits and services, sports, guidance and orientation, quality of education and student culture. Tasks and areas of responsibility are divided based on the personal interests of the board members. The board cooperates a lot, and shares tasks from different processes among themselves.

Working on the board does not mean working alone, as the board is supported by the student union’s four-member staff.

During the application phase, you do not need to know which area of ​​responsibility you would like, the processes are divided in the board’s own organization.

Who can apply?

The board has versatile tasks, and different skills are needed to handle them. That’s why we invite versatile applicants from different backgrounds, from all HAMK campuses and from different degree programmes to apply. Previous experience is not required, as board members are trained for their duties.

You must be a student at HAMK and a member of HAMKO at the time of selection. Applicants for the board are expected to have the ability to commit to the task for the entire board term, which is one calendar year. In addition, we hope for the ability to take action and bring projects to a conclusion. A good attitude and cooperation skills mean a lot.

It’s often asked if it is necessary to know the Finnish language. Basic understanding and comprehension of written and spoken Finnish is highly recommended and definitely to your advantage. Student union can translate some of own materials in English, but there will be a lot of material from our co-operation partners only in Finnish which you should be able to understand.

The board has mandatory orientations in December and in January. The dates of the orientations are 7-9 December 2023 and 12-14 January 2024.

Applying to the Board

HAMKO’s board will be elected at the organisingal meeting of the Representative Council on Monday 20 November 2023 at 16:30 at the Hämeenlinna University Centre. You can apply to the board at the meeting on the spot or send your free-form application in advance by e-mail to The meeting is in C-building room C-146. Be there on time if you want to participate in the meeting.

At the meeting, when electing the board, the election of the chair, the election of the vice-chair and the election of board members are discussed. You can either present yourself as being available to the position you want to apply or ask another person to introduce you to the position you want. Candidates are often interviewed at the meeting if there are more candidates than available positions. However, there is no need to worry about this. It is a fairly free-form interview, where strict factual questions are not tested, but more is told about oneself.

Members of the student union (HAMKO) are welcome to follow the meeting.

More info

Did you have any questions? You can get more information from the executive director of the student union, Aleksi Kurvi, or +358 44 722 1000.

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